Wednesday, February 01, 2006

"Living" mannequins

Input "&"
Get "&"
(int i= 0, i< 1000, i++)

system conversation

{ "This is my son and daughter- in -law
He is "&" "

"Hello!!! Congratulations"

"Thank you" }

Thousand handshakes, many a flashes, for- loop (poses/jaw straining plastic smiles), never-ending group photos, blaring musical extravaganza, sprinkling rosewater, sweltering heat under the tungsten sun, live-video coverage/telecast - a ritual, that spares none .

Do the couples really have to undergo this torture on the very first day of their nuptial bliss, all in the name of wedding reception? Does it toll the many social abnormalities in the offing for them? It should be quiet a nerve-wrecking experience for the two little hearts who have no options but to go with tide.

Coming to think of this event as a fund-raiser, one couldn't find a better example for Product Placement than the strategic positioning of the couples either near the entrance or when they are the Manhattan Bridge to the Dining hall. In either way one cannot afford to bypass, without paying the toll, to the repast. This might prove to be pretty "costly" for the famished Indian Grad Students.

Please do not expect any changes from the person slandering this practice as he is an ardent advocate of hypocrisy.
To the Moghuls of computer coding, kindly excuse me for the bugs in the program (if those few lines can be given such a status).


Santhi Sagar Vaddiraju said...

A very 'program'med' way to know 'real' life variable named marriage.
Looking for more- especially for some sort of program to negate 'the above said effect'.

Naren said...

Program to negate marriage. Well let's get some hackers to do the job.

Murali said...

I just had the same thoughts running in my mind and have also keyed down my thoughts on the same :-)

Naren said...

D.M. I had some thoughts about it. Your blog fuelled it. So I spat out.

Well great people think alike.

Anonymous said...

dei naren - this is awesome stuff! way to go da!

Naren said...

Thanks for leaving your imprint in this impoversished blog


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