Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Longing for the *free spirit*

Oh!!. As I stepped out of my apartment, she was there again, embracing me with her gentle hands, murmuring breezily in my ear. Though its pretty embarrasing, her kiss, seems to defy all the laws of philematology. It really invigorates my body, rushing in fresh air to my airsac. Being a globetrotter, she started to fill me in with her latest adventures, while playfully caressing my hair.

She instinctively gets to know that I am turning a deaf ear to her mumblings and ramblings. Well, going by Newton's third law, I have to incur the repercussions of my actions . She waits for her moment, and then gently swishes the tree near the entrance of my building. Morning dew on the leaves might kindle the imagination of a poet, not on my shirt.

Her impishness knows no bounds. She tries to flee away with the NMR spectra, strewing them all over the pavement, knocks off the coffee cup by the window and what not. But she has saved me from many embarassing moments, very subtely making me aware that my flyer is undone.

Though we are together most of the time, I cannot make her mine or grab her by her arm . Her unpredictable nature, her free spirit are what draws me closer to her. These are few of my thoughts that I have AIRed about her. Its time for me to WIND and head off as Nicholas Cage has classified her as a BLIZZARD tonight.

For more information about her, logon to

1 comment:

nmagesh said...

That is just too good. A standout example of creative non-fiction. Looking forward to more.


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