Sunday, January 22, 2006

"What's this life if full of care"

After many persuasions from different co-ordinates of the hemisphere, finally I find myself in the midst of the blogging community. To whom am I publishing , I still wonder. We are in a global village living in isolation, who have

" No time to stand and stare:No time to stand beneath the boughs and stare as long as sheep or cows" .

Prognosis of W.H.Davies from "Leisure". Great lines that I mugged in my 8th standard. I wonder how it is still tatooed in my memory. With all the punctuations and other crazy signs intact, I managed only 9 on 10, while my beloved friend who punched his punctuations to his own whims and fancies had a full pointer. I realized then , people also count the punctuations to award points apart from the number of sheets in the exam.

So to all the onlookers, if you have time to stare, please do spare.

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