Saturday, July 01, 2006

set language life

I guess we are all aware of the Venn diagrams – I enjoyed learning the “SET LANGUAGE” not because of its mathematical wonder, but because I used to get 1 rupee coin to draw the circles, which at the end of the day will meltdown to a stick ice cream. I owe my elevation from a pauper to a thirteenaire (the chapter was done in 13 days) to the Venn diagrams, not to forget the various reasons that I had to come up for my daily swindling.

Never thought about it until today, when I realized that it could be a barometer of my routine. Well here is the mathematical depiction

Set A = Week 1 {sleeping, reading, lab, blogging, crosswords, lab}

Set B =Week 2 {Reading, lab, blogging, sleeping, crosswords, lab}

(AUB) = {Reading, lab, blogging, sleeping, crosswords, lab}

(A∩B) = {Reading, lab, blogging, sleeping, crosswords, lab}.

Can life get more pathetic than this? Groundhog week, in session I guess. As I look back at my 2.7 decades of existence, nothing unusual or adventurous has happened. Followed the regular middle class stream of attending schools, colleges and still going strong in the ministry of education. The regular drab of lab, walk, same Starbucks, same cappuccino, same lakeside ponderings, I find myself no different than the washing machine which times its cycle to perfection.

Except for a few, I think the Homo sapiens as a whole follow the general pattern of birth, education, job, and death. Just like we pride ourselves being the architect of engineering marvels that serve us, my contention is that, we in a way are some human machines, product of some higher intelligence, put to test in the lab of the universe.

Wish each day had its own adventure to look forward, so that my

(AUB) is not equal (A∩B).


Murali said...

oh happy that A intersection B is NOT NULL :p :p :p
Btw, stop revealing 'ages' :p :P.. that way, u wouldn't tell people the age of ur peers :p :p

Naren said...

Every set has a null set. I forgot to include it, I am aging you see


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